



吳珮瑜 (Phoebe)



很多準媽媽都擔心會因此而未能攝取足夠的鈣質。其實,除了牛奶外,綠葉蔬菜、硬豆腐都含有豐富的鈣質,而且吸收率都頗佳。例如進食85克菜芯或芥蘭分別提供239毫克及212毫克鈣質,吸收率近四成,與從1杯奶中所吸收鈣質量相約 (見下表)。硬豆腐之所以含高鈣,主要來自製造過程所用的石膏粉,所以各位於購買豆腐時要注意其製造方法。

資料來源:Weaver C. et al. (1999) Choices for achieving adequate dietary calcium with a vegetarian diet. Am J Clin Nutr 70 (suppl): 543S-8S


足夠鈣質 六大要訣
除了以上所提及的 (1) 多吃含豐富鈣質的食物;(2) 閱讀營養標籤 外,準媽媽更應:

(3) 於可行的情況下,適量地進行戶外活動: 接觸陽光以讓身體製造維他命 D

(4) 於可行的情況下,適量的負重運動有助刺激骨質生長;

(5) 進食適量蛋白質: 胎兒成長需要蛋白質,但過量會加速鈣質流失,所以準媽媽要注意不要進食過量肉類及其他含高蛋白質的食物

(6) 減少攝取咖啡因: 不要以為不喝咖啡及茶就不會攝取到咖啡因。其實汽水、朱古力、某些能量飲品都含有咖啡因。若過量攝取會妨礙鈣質吸收。另外,汽水含有磷酸,亦會妨礙身體吸收鈣質。

自製米糊 進階篇 「煲粥仔」


1) 將米用合適的攪拌器打成粉狀

2) 把米粉加入凍水中,煲至杰身 (用濾網了),即成



結果我沒有買上一個post的衣服,選擇了一件哺乳衣  -- 更方便呀!同時買了一套3件的BB吃飯圍兜,對6個月BB而言是大了少許,但真的很好用!


MENS_CH Image Banner 125X125 KIDS_CH Image Banner 125 x 125



今日6個半月BB到健康院打了一針十三價肺炎鏈球菌預防疫苗,到黃昏時開始發燒了!浸浴、退熱貼、抹身,到晚上更熱,所以給她吃了退燒薬。這個BB熱度退了一點後就很精神,很可愛地對我們笑 ^^







Yummy :P





尤其是平日,人不多,曬曬太陽、吹吹海風、逛逛市集、飲飲食食,真寫意 ^^








咬咬樂 好好味







Are you ready, baby?


1) 可抬起頭
2) 椅背支持下可坐穩
3) 伸手抓著物件
4) 對食物感興趣並表現想吃
5) 看到匙羮會張口
6) 咀巴可含著匙羮
7) 能閉上咀巴並吞嚥食物

BB示範 :)




我淨係今日試過俾BB通鼻塞,好似都work work 地 :)






1) 三文魚洗淨,蒸熟 (可加一片薑去腥味)
2) 去皮,用叉壓碎,用匙磨蓉,用濾網使三文魚更幼滑

3) 加到菜心粥,食得!







Good night, everyone!

WHO | Frequently Asked Questions on human infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus, China

WHO | Frequently Asked Questions on human infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus, China

Frequently Asked Questions on human infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus, China

Update as of 5 April 2013

Note that this document supersedes the previous version. Updates will be posted as new information becomes available.

1. What is the influenza A(H7N9) virus?

Influenza A H7 viruses are a group of influenza viruses that normally circulate among birds. The influenza A(H7N9) virus is one subgroup among the larger group of H7 viruses. Although some H7 viruses (H7N2, H7N3 and H7N7) have occasionally been found to infect humans, no human infections with H7N9 viruses have been reported until recent reports from China.

2. What are the main symptoms of human infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus?

Thus far, most patients with this infection have had severe pneumonia. Symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. However, information is still limited about the full spectrum of disease that infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus might cause.

3. How many human cases of influenza A(H7N9) virus have been reported in China to date?

New cases that are reported are now being compiled and posted daily. The most current information on cases can be found in Disease Outbreak News.

4. Why is this virus infecting humans now?

We do not know the answer to this question yet, because we do not know the source of exposure for these human infections. However, analysis of the genes of these viruses suggests that although they have evolved from avian (bird) viruses, they show signs of adaption to growth in mammalian species. These adaptations include an ability to bind to mammalian cells, and to grow at temperatures close to the normal body temperature of mammals (which is lower than that of birds).

5. What is known about previous human infections with H7 influenza viruses globally?

From 1996 to 2012, human infections with H7 influenza viruses (H7N2, H7N3, and H7N7) were reported in the Netherlands, Italy, Canada, United States of America, Mexico and the United Kingdom. Most of these infections occurred in association with poultry outbreaks. The infections mainly resulted in conjunctivitis and mild upper respiratory symptoms, with the exception of one death, which occurred in the Netherlands. Until now, no human infections with H7 influenza viruses have been reported in China.

6. Is the influenza A(H7N9) virus different from influenza A(H1N1) and A(H5N1) viruses?

Yes. All three viruses are influenza A viruses but they are distinct from each other. H7N9 and H5N1 are considered animal influenza viruses that sometimes infect people. H1N1 viruses can be divided into those that normally infect people and those that normally infect animals.

7. How did people become infected with the influenza A(H7N9) virus?

Some of the confirmed cases had contact with animals or with an animal environment. The virus has been found in a pigeon in a market in Shanghai. It is not yet known how persons became infected. The possibility of animal-to-human transmission is being investigated, as is the possibility of person-to-person transmission.

8. How can infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus be prevented?

Although both the source of infection and the mode of transmission are uncertain, it is prudent to follow basic hygienic practices to prevent infection. They include hand and respiratory hygiene and food safety measures.

Hand hygiene:
• Wash your hands before, during, and after you prepare food; before you eat; after you use the toilet; after handling animals or animal waste; when your hands are dirty; and when providing care when someone in your home is sick. Hand hygiene will also prevent the transmission of infections to yourself (from touching contaminated surfaces) and in hospitals to patients, health care workers and others.
• Wash your hands with soap and running water when visibly dirty; if not visibly dirty, wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand cleanser.

Respiratory hygiene:
• Cover your mouth and nose with a medical mask, tissue, or a sleeve or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing; throw the used tissue into a closed bin immediately after use; perform hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions.

9. Is it safe to eat meat, i.e. poultry and pork products?

Influenza viruses are not transmitted through consuming well-cooked food. Because influenza viruses are inactivated by normal temperatures used for cooking (so that food reaches 70°C in all parts— "piping" hot — no "pink" parts), it is safe to eat properly prepared and cooked meat, including from poultry and game birds.

Diseased animals and animals that have died of diseases should not be eaten.

In areas experiencing outbreaks, meat products can be safely consumed provided that these items are properly cooked and properly handled during food preparation. The consumption of raw meat and uncooked blood-based dishes is a high-risk practice and should be discouraged.

10. Is it safe to visit live markets and farms in areas where human cases have been recorded?

When visiting live markets, avoid direct contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals. If you live on a farm and raise animals for food, such as pigs and poultry, be sure to keep children away from sick and dead animals; keep animal species separated as much as possible; and report immediately to local authorities any cases of sick and dead animals. Sick or dead animals should not be butchered and prepared for food.

11. Is there a vaccine for the influenza A(H7N9) virus?

No vaccine for the prevention of influenza A(H7N9) infections is currently available. However, viruses have already been isolated and characterized from the initial cases. The first step in development of a vaccine is the selection of candidate viruses that could go into a vaccine. WHO, in collaboration with partners, will continue to characterize available influenza A(H7N9) viruses to identify the best candidate viruses. These candidate vaccine viruses can then be used for the manufacture of vaccine if this step becomes necessary.

12. Does treatment exist for influenza A(H7N9) infection?

Laboratory testing conducted in China has shown that the influenza A(H7N9) viruses are sensitive to the anti-influenza drugs known as neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir and zanamivir). When these drugs are given early in the course of illness, they have been found to be effective against seasonal influenza virus and influenza A(H5N1) virus infection. However, at this time, there is no experience with the use of these drugs for the treatment of H7N9 infection.

13. Is the general population at risk from the influenza A(H7N9) virus?

We do not yet know enough about these infections to determine whether there is a significant risk of community spread. This possibility is the subject of epidemiological investigations that are now taking place.

14. Are health care workers at risk from the influenza A(H7N9) influenza virus?

Health care workers often come into contact with patients with infectious diseases. Therefore, WHO recommends that appropriate infection prevention and control measures be consistently applied in health care settings, and that the health status of health care workers be closely monitored. Together with standard precautions, health care workers caring for those suspected or confirmed to have influenza A(H7N9) infection should use additional precautions (http://www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/swineflu/WHO_CDS_EPR_2007_6/en/index.html).

15. What investigations have begun?

Local and national health authorities are taking the following measures, among others:
• Enhanced surveillance for pneumonia cases of unknown origin to ensure early detection and laboratory confirmation of new cases;
• Epidemiological investigation, including assessment of suspected cases and contacts of known cases;
• Close collaboration with animal health authorities to determine the source of the infection.

16. Does this influenza virus pose a pandemic threat?

Any animal influenza virus that develops the ability to infect people is a theoretical risk to cause a pandemic. However, whether the influenza A(H7N9) virus could actually cause a pandemic is unknown. Other animal influenza viruses that have been found to occasionally infect people have not gone on to cause a pandemic.

17. Is it safe to travel to China?

The number of cases identified in China is very low. WHO does not advise the application of any travel measures with respect to visitors to China nor to persons leaving China.

18. Are Chinese products safe?

There is no evidence to link the current cases with any Chinese products. WHO advises against any restrictions to trade at this time.





1) 有機菜心葉洗淨,浸一小時



2) 灼熟,用攪拌機將已灼熟的菜心葉打碎,過濾網

3) 與預先準備好的粥仔一同蒸熱


4) 拌勻,READY!

* 記得把有剩的菜心蓉冰凍呀!